'/> Interior Decorating For David Barnes Funeral Home - Father

Interior Decorating For David Barnes Funeral Home

Contributions to the tribute of David Lee Barnes Funeral Homes
Contributions to the tribute of David Lee Barnes Funeral Homes from schneidermichaelisfuneralhome.com

Theme and Design Approach

When it comes to designing a funeral home, the theme and design approach should be centered around creating a peaceful and comforting atmosphere for those who are grieving. The overall design should be elegant and sophisticated, while still maintaining a warm and welcoming feel.

Funeral Home Interior

Color Scheme

The color scheme for the funeral home should be soft and muted, with neutral colors being the primary focus. Shades of beige, gray, and white are perfect for creating a calming and serene atmosphere. Accents of deep blue or green can be added to bring a sense of tranquility and peace.

Color Pallette

Furniture Placement

The placement of furniture in the funeral home should be carefully considered to create a sense of flow and ease of movement. Seating should be arranged in a way that allows for easy access to the casket or urn, while still maintaining a comfortable distance for guests to pay their respects.

Furniture Placement

Decorative Options

When it comes to decorating the funeral home, less is often more. Simple and elegant floral arrangements can be placed throughout the space to add a touch of beauty and warmth. Soft lighting can also be used to create a calming atmosphere. Artwork or photographs can be placed strategically to honor the person who has passed away.

Funeral Home Decor


Designing a funeral home can be a sensitive and challenging task, but with the right theme, color scheme, furniture placement, and decorative options, it's possible to create a space that is both elegant and comforting. By focusing on creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere, guests will be able to honor and remember their loved ones in a space that truly reflects their memory.

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